Saturday, October 06, 2007


Just in case anyone who actually knows us out there is getting worried about how few restaurants have actually made an appearance on this wee opus, I thought that I would reassure you: we eat out about once a week, but the F-G here is just waaaaaaaaaay too interested in his job or something to blog them consistently. Plus, it's been summer in California, which means the freshy-freshiest stuff is usually in our kitchen and we've been whippin' it up at home more often than not.

However, for easy reference (and because I reeeeeeaaaaaaallllllyyyy don't want to start on the revisions to my qualifying exam papers, here is a list of places we've eaten recently that haven't had their alotted spotlight:

Zuni Cafe (no, you should definitely not concern yourself with anything but the chicken; it's all I've had there and I feel quite comfortable saying this...)
Home (the restaurant, not ours)
Ame (the front runner for my new favorite restaurant in SF)
Chouchou (brunch, although we have been there for dinner)

That said, I could basically live on panzanella with mixed cherry tomatoes, sauteed spinach, and smashed red potatoes...which, when you figure we've had at least 2 of those things at least weekly for some time now, explains why the restaurant-ivanting has been a little slow of late.

Must stop now; K's Kitchen in all it's joyfulness awaits!